Our work.

Puhoi Stour provides environmental science and policy advice as well programme design and implementation support to a wide range of clients across the length and breadth of New Zealand.

The Safeswim, Geofuture and National Guidance projects profiled here give an insight into our approach, and the list of our recent projects below demonstrates the scope of what we do.


We reviewed Auckland Council’s Regulatory Department’s programme of recreational beach water quality monitoring and demonstrated that it was biased against identifying guideline exceedances despite largely complying with national guidelines. We developed a ten-year programme of change and helped council staff win political support for its adoption. Once the political mandate was secured we were asked to lead its implementation. Within seven months we had transformed the programme to incorporate longitudinal monitoring, targeted sampling campaigns, predictive models and sensors, and oversaw the deployment of a web-based platform for providing the public real time information on water quality and swimming conditions. Another year later, after bedding the programme into ‘business as usual’ at council, we shifted into advisory roles and helped the council secure $500 million in additional funding, through a Water Quality Targeted Rate, to lift water quality at Auckland’s beaches. Four years into the programme’s operation, the World Health Organisation recognised Safeswim as a global exemplar of best practice in recreational water quality monitoring and communication. We continue to provide scientific and technical support to the programme as external advisors.


Contact Energy asked us to provide scientific support to scope, coordinate and deliver a range of freshwater environmental investigations, focussed on the Waikato River, to support the consenting of the Wairākei Geothermal Power Station, near Taupō.

We helped Contact develop the scope of the investigations by reviewing previous studies, the current and proposed operations of the Station and changes in the statutory operating environment and expectation for the Waikato River catchment, including Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato. This allowed us to work with Contact to scope the required investigations, taking into account the above issues and discussions with stakeholders. We then briefed scientists engaged to deliver the studies and co-ordinated those concerning water quality, aquatic ecology and mahinga kai to ensure consistency in approach and that the studies were complimentary and comprehensive. We used the findings of these studies to assess the overall aquatic effects of the station and provided expert evidence at the hearing.

We also supported consultation before, during and after the river investigations, including participating in multiple hui and/or wānanga with Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngati Tahu Ngati Whaoa, Department of Conservation, Waikato River Authority and Waikato Regional Council.

National guidance

The Ministry for the Environment asked us to lead the development of best practice national guidance for ‘developing, adapting, and applying environmental models in a regulatory context’.

We helped the Ministry confirm the scope and desired outcome of the guidance, designed an approach for developing and socialising drafts, conducted research, facilitated engagement with modelling experts and practitioners from around New Zealand and facilitated a process of departmental review. Once all feedback had been received, we synthesised comments, reconciled the different expert perspectives and incorporated feedback into a final draft and developed a ‘release plan’ incorporating a recommended approach to communications and stakeholder engagement to aid understanding and update.

After the guidance had been published, we helped the Ministry position itself to respond to subsequent reports and recommendations from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment on specific matters relating to water quality modelling.

Recent projects

Oceanagold - Mineral Extraction Project - Peer review of Ecological Impact Assessment

Contact Energy - Glenbrook Electricity Storage Project - Ecological Impact Assessment

Auckland Council - Regional Stormwater Network Discharge Consent - Review of effectiveness of stormwater treatment devices

Auckland Council - Flood Intelligence Initiative - Programme design advice and management support

Auckland Council - Regional Stormwater Modelling Initiative - Stakeholder analysis, engagement framework and strategy review

Ministry for the Environment - Environmental Monitoring and Reporting System - Contextual scan, policy analysis and technical advice, programme design advice, member of independent advisory group

Ministry for the Environment - Ministerial Advisory Group Limits and Targets - Synthesis input of experts and draft report for Minister

Environment Southland - Modelling Review - Synthesise input of scientists and modellers contributing to peer review of regional water quality models and draft report for Council leadership team

Auckland Council - Coastal receiving environment stormwater modelling initiative - Develop Terms of Reference for independent science advisory panel, facilitate model design workshops, develop business case for funding, facilitate peer review process

TR Ellett Agricultural Research Fund - Strategy Review - Independent strategy input to Governance Board Strategy sessions

Geological and Nuclear Sciences - Organisational Performance Programme - Conduct independent review of Social Science Function

Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Technical peer reviews of Environmental Effects Assessments associated with Plan Changes and Consent Applications

Muriwai Golf Club - Development proposal - Ecological Impact Assessment

Mercer Mushrooms - Development proposal - Ecological impact assessment

Ministry for the Environment - Food Systems Policy - Oversee policy analysis and reporting to senior managers undertaken by junior staff

Mangawhai Central - Development proposal - Ecological impact assessment

Perfetto Investments - Development proposal - Ecological impact assessment

He Waka Eke Noa - Agricultural Emissions Policy - Independent policy analysis and procedural advice

Northland Regional Council - Recreational water quality monitoring - Pilot and subsequently oversee the regional rollout of water quality models

Environment Canterbury - Water Quality Modelling - Science, policy, communications and political engagement advice

Northland Regional Council - Water storage programme - Ecological Impact Assessment

Hawkes Bay Regional Council - Mauri Compass - Expert freshwater ecology input to ecological health framework

Ministry for the Environment - Ministerial Science and Technical Advisory Group - Synthesis input of experts and draft report for Minister

Leaft Foods - Business case for government funding - Synthesise technical reports into a business case and coach project team on supporting pitch

Fonterra - Waikato Plan Change 1 - Freshwater Ecology Expert Advice

Wairakei Pastoral Ltd - Waikato Plan Change 1 - Freshwater Ecology Expert Advice

Department of Conservation - Warkworth to Wellsford Highway - Freshwater Ecology Expert Advice

Pukaha to Palliser Collective - Collaborative Freshwater Initiative - Develop business case for funding

Auckland and Northland Regional Councils - Kaipara Moana Remediation Programme - Strategy advice, technical input to business case, procurement and operational support, working group facilitation

Flat Top Quarry - Development proposal - Ecological Impact Assessment

Greater Wellington Regional Council - Water Quality Modelling - Science, policy, communications and political engagement advice

National Institute of Water and Atmosphere - Ecosystem Health Indicators - Freshwater ecology and modelling expert advice